The course in entrepreneurship was held for a second consecutive weekend in Gabrovo

The second module of the entrepreneurship course “Discoverers” was held in the period November 15 – 17 in Gabrovo.

The participants, who are between the ages of 14 and 19, visited the Gabrovo branch of the international software company FFW on Friday. Bozhidar Boshnakov, the company’s regional manager for Gabrovo and Veliko Tarnovo, shared with the students more about the company and career opportunities in it, what it’s like to be a regional manager in a large software company, and what made him return to Gabrovo. The meeting sparked great interest among the students, who for nearly 2 hours did not stop asking their questions, mostly about career development opportunities in their hometown.

The training continued on Saturday and Sunday, when, through a number of games and case studies, the students examined the following topics:

✅ How to successfully present our ideas?

✅ What is profit and what information does it bring?

✅ Failure, as a source of information

✅ Ways to raise start-up capital

✅ Competition, comparative competitive advantages and global value chains.

The third and last module of the training will be held in the period November 22 – 24, at the Mak Hotel. On Friday, November 22, the students will visit the Gabrovo company Prince.

The course is implemented under the “Youth Activities” program, with the financial support of the Municipality of Gabrovo, as well as with the support of the “AMK” and “Prince” companies.