What is "The Entrepreneur as a Discoverer"
“The Entrepreneur as a Discoverer” is a comprehensive educational and training program for students, that includes initiatives of different nature and duration aimed at the younger generation.
The unifying theme of the individual modules is financial literacy, learning in the basics of economics, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking as a set of values such as passion, motivation and creative thinking.
The informal nature of the program gives us the freedom to quickly and effectively adapt and change the learning activities to the children’s needs, creating quality learning content delivered at the same time in a fun and engaging way.
The learning approach combines a variety of teaching methods, including gamification, team work to solve complex problems and external motivational meetings.

Types of educational activities
High school course
The course has a duration of 60 study hours, divided into 6 main modules. The educational content allows the adaptation of the course according to the profile of the study group, as well as its division into separate levels of different durations.
Summer camps
The camps last 5-8 days and are suitable for high school students from all over the country and abroad. Until now, 4 camps have been held on the territory of MAIR "Bozhentsi", including an international camp with students from 5 countries.
Crash courses
Our team develops and implements shortened forms of training, such as one-day and three-day accelerated courses (e.g. "Economic Basics"), motivational meetings and thematic events (e.g. "Economy and Sports" course).
Primary schools course
Our team develops educational content for students from I to IV grades. The focus is on explaining economic principles (e.g. choices, decisions, scarcity), that accompany the daily life of each of us, in a fun and engaging way.
Game development
Part of the educational program are also alternative forms of learning, combining game models with educational content. Examples of developed games are "Treasure Hunt" and "Escape Room" with an economic theme.
Specialised modules
Our team also develops and implements specialized learning modules for high school students, such as "Fundamentals of Statistics", "Data Visualization and Graphic Desigh", "Data Gathering, Processing and Analysis".
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